一般財団法人 日本建築センター The Building Center of Japan

The booklet of 100th Anniversary of Enactment of City Planning Act and Building Standard Law

“Architecture Which Supported Modernization of Japan - 100 selected building technologies” - An English Summary(Feb.2020)

FUKAO Seiichi 
Members of the committee for “Architecture 
that Supported the Modernization of Japan 
: 100 selected building technologies” 

2019 marks the 100th year since the enactment of the Urban Building Law, the predecessor of the Building Standard Law, and of the City Planning Act. 

The Urban Building Law is considered to be the first established building legislation in Japan, which proceeded the current Building Standard Law after several amendments. 

During this period, we have experienced drastic changes occurred in the political and economic sectors and in society as a whole. Accordingly, cities and architectures also changed, which were supported by the innovation of building technologies. All of these changes eventually brought about a remarkable reform in our lifestyles.

To shed light on the advancement of building technologies that have supported modern and current Japan and provided a basis for these changes, we asked not only architects, but many experts of various disciplines, such as sociology, economics, history, urban planning and journalism, as well, to identify “100 Key Terms” related to Japanese architecture and building technologies. The selected “100 Key Terms” were classified into five categories: “Housing, “Buildings, “Structural Methods”, Building Production/Facilities” and “Policy/Regional Planning”. We then asked 91 experts who specialize in these areas to write about the “100 Key Terms” from the viewpoint of a history of the technological progress of construction, newly developed building spaces that resulted from technological progress, and their influences on our lives and on society in general. “Architecture that Supported the Modernization of Japan:100 selected building technologies” is a book that was compiled as a publication to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the enactment of the City Planning Act and the Building Standard Law. 

This English translation of the original Japanese summary of the booklet was made so that people in other countries might appreciate the accomplishments mentioned within it.

We will be pleased if the “100 Key Terms” gives you a good overall picture of the Japanese architecture and building technologies that have been developed over the last 100 years, along with their uniqueness. We hope that the wisdom and ingenuity of the people who created these things becomes evident to all of the readers.
“Architecture Which Supported Modernization of Japan - 100 selected building technologies” - An English Summary(Feb.2020)(表紙)

<Outline of “Architecture Which Supported Modernization of Japan - 100 selected building technologies” - An English Summary>

Published by: The Building Center of Japan/The Japan Architectural Education and Information Center
Edited by: Members of the committee for “Architecture that Supported the Modernization of Japan: 100 selected building technologies”
Size & Pages: A4 36pages
Language: English
File form & size: PDF 8.52MB

Overview Modern and Contemporary Japan Supported by Architecture
CHAPTER 1 Housing
CHAPTER 2 Buildings
CHAPTER 3 Structural Methods
CHAPTER 4 Building Production/Facilities
CHAPTER 5 Policy/Regional Planning
Writers of “Key Terms of 100 Selected Building Technologies”
Writers of “Key Terms of 100 Selected Building Technologies”

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