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International Seminar on Approaches to Environmental Considerations for Building Products

To appropriately deal with the issue of global warming and resource constraints, the promotion of the use of environmentally-friendly building products is a must. New technologies and new products corresponding to this promotion are actively being developed. Building-product performance must be verified by a reliable third-party so that the new technologies can be appropriately and smoothly implemented.

BCJ and CBL held this open seminar on September 21, 2011 with cooperation from WFTAO, on the occasion of the annual WFTAO meeting, to introduce the current trends regarding development and evaluation of innovative building products around the world.

The programme of the seminar is as follows.
Presentations by WFTAO member organizations may be downloaded for free.


Opening of the seminar
2 Keynote speech
2-1 R&D of LCCM (Life-Cycle Carbon-Minus) Housing
-Integrated design for CO2 reductions, with a focus on the construction,
operation and demolition stages-
Dr. Shuzo Murakami, Chief Executive, Building Research Institute
3 Presentations by WFTAO member organizations
3-1 Current trends of development and technical assessment of innovative
environmentally-friendly building products in Europe
Thomas Bruun, ETA Danmark
3-2 From EPD’s to Environmental performances of buildings
Bruno Mesureur, CSTB
3-3 Technical Evaluations of Building Products for Compliance with Environmental
and Sustainability Requirements in the United States
Michael Beaton, ICC-ES
3-4 Certification of environmentally friendly housing components in Japan
 Jun-ichi Murakami, CBL
4 Closing of the seminar

CBL:The Center for Better Living (Japan)
CSTB:Scientific and Technical Center for Building (France)
ICC-ES:The International Code Council Evaluation Service (USA)

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