一般財団法人 日本建築センター The Building Center of Japan

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International Activities

The Building Center of Japan (BCJ) was established in 1965. Since then, we have been gathering information from overseas regarding building construction and disseminating such information about Japan. We are also active in building cooperative relationships with building-related organizations in other countries.

BCJ contributes at the international level to the promotion of building-construction activities and to the improvement of building quality by carrying out technical assessments of foreign-made building products to facilitate the distribution of building materials. This is done by disseminating information about building-related systems in Japan, and by gathering information on building regulations, certification systems, and other related matters from other countries. BCJ is also involved in the activities with international organizations in the areas of building-technology assessments, and works with overseas technical assessment organizations to promote cooperation toward to the mutual recognition. In addition, BCJ works with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), and with other agencies, to support to developing countries, especially through the provision of building technology and of knowledge required to ensure building safety and to improve living environments.

In the future, further internationalization of building activities and of markets for building materials is expected.
We will increase our efforts toward the development of our international services related to building quality, including building technology assessments.

Supplying Information on Technical Assessments, etc.

  1. BCJ conducts surveys of current information on overseas building regulations and technical assessment systems, and supplies the information to related organizations.

  2. BCJ compiles and publishes information, including an English version of the Building Standard Law, to inform organizations in other countries about Japanese building regulations.

  3. Information about BCJ services and application procedures is supplied in English.

International Cooperation with Developing Countries

  1. BCJ operates a variety of training programs on building and housing.
    Training programs:
    • Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA): Group training
      • Building Administration and Technology Course
      • Improvement of Housing and Living Environment Course
    • Japan Housing Association
      • Housing Seminar in Commemoration of the IYSH (International Year of Shelter for the Homeless)

  2. BCJ engages in information sharing and technical cooperation with developing countries, through participation in and support for government level international cooperation activities.

Efforts toward Mutual Recognition and Information Sharing with Overseas Organizations

  1. BCJ is helping to establish a mutual recognition framework within the World Federation of Technical Assessment Organizations (WFTAO).


    In 2011, BCJ hosted 16th WFTAO annual conference in Tokyo. BCJ also held "International Seminar on Approaches to Environmental Considerations for Building Products" (for more detailed information) with cooperation from WFTAO.

  2. BCJ has signed cooperative agreements with six building technology assessment organizations in six countries. It shares information on assessments with these organizations and is working with them to promote mutual recognition.
    Partner Organizations:
    • Centre Scientifique et Technique du Batiment: CSTB (France)
    • China Construction Technology Consulting Co., Ltd.: CCTC (China)
    • ICC Evaluation Service Inc.: ICC ES (United States)
    • Canadian Construction Materials Centre: CCMC (Canada)
    • British Board of Agrément: BBA (United Kingdom)
    • Building Research Association of New Zealand: BRANZ (New Zealand)
    • Australian Building Codes Board: ABCB (Australia)

  3. BCJ participates in government conferences arranged by the MLIT with the governments of France, China, and others.

Seminars and Lectures

BCJ holds a variety of seminars and lectures to disseminate the latest information concerning the tendency of building construction industry. Themes include amendments of laws and regulations related to building standards and the establishment of notifications.

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